
International Day of Charity: Know its history and significance

International Day of Charity: Widely known during her lifetime as the ‘living saint,’ Mother Teresa founded the Missionaries of Charity in 1950, which today has spread to different countries.

India announces welfare program for kids orphaned by COVID-19

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has launched a welfare program for thousands of children who lost their parents to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Teaching the teacher is key

Building an effective education system for a world after Covid-19 needs to include a collaborative stakeholder engagement and customized solution for all target groups. It is pertinent to note the plethora of challenges that Covid-19 has brought to the fore since March 2020-- a digital divide, gender-digital divide, and quality of training. Even before Covid-19, India’s education sector was already trailing with an insufficient number of teachers, quality of teachers, an ecosystem for training teachers, setting the ground for a digital education model. Students were at the receiving end of these sectoral issues.

6 Ways The Indian Government Helps You Pay For Your Cancer Treatment

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